Medicare Advantage for Veterans

You can take what you're given.


You can let us help you get what you deserve.

Personalized Consultation to Help Veterans Understand Their Options

Your personal Medicare expert will get to know you and your personal healthcare needs. We work exclusively with recipients of Medicare and Tricare for Life, so we know the inner workings of both systems, and most importantly, how they work together.

Guiding Veterans Through the Medicare Landscape

Some people want more dental coverage, some people want more money in their Social Security, and sometimes Original Medicare is what works. Once we understand what you want out of your healthcare, we'll help you get it.

Ongoing Support to Ensure You Always Have the Best Coverage

Medicare tends to change from year to year. Sometimes it's a little, sometimes it's a lot. We'll do the work for you, and make sure you've always got the best plan for what you need.

Stories From Your Fellow Veterans

We can't tell it any better than the people who have experienced the benefits of Medicare Advantage in their own lives.

We've helped hundreds of Veterans who were in your shoes. They had the same questions and concerns, but they took a leap of faith, and never looked back once they saw that Medicare Advantage really did work with their Tricare for Life, and gave them extra benefits and more money in their Social Security – all at no extra cost to them.

“I added a Medicare Advantage plan to my Tricare for Life”

Medicare Advantage works with Tricare for Life, not against it. Medicare Advantage is still Medicare, which is your primary and pays first, and Tricare for Life is still your secondary payer, which pays for all copays, coinsurance and costs left over. It works just like Original Medicare.

“It's No BS”

Rick is happy to have a plan that reduces his Part B premium. Many Medicare Advantage plans offered to Veterans will reduce their monthly Part B payments, which Veterans must pay to keep their Tricare for Life active. What many Veterans dismissed as “too good to be true,” Rick is benefiting from and encouraging you to consider.

“The Programs work great and I love them”

Aside from receiving more money in her Social Security check by reducing her monthly Part B payment, she now has dental, vision and hearing coverage that came with her plan at no cost.

“No More Doubting Thomas”

Veterans have it good with Tricare for Life, so there is often an assumption healthcare benefits can’t get better. We encourage Veterans on Medicare and Tricare for Life to research their options on and Let us help you find a plan!

Free Consultation

Call us today for a free evaluation of your current healthcare benefits, and to explore additional benefits tailored to you.

We'll walk you through savings step-by-step


I've been told I do not need additional medical insurance?

Insurance companies have created Medicare Advantage plans to meet the needs of our Veterans. These plans are designed to work with those who have Tricare for Life. These plans will work with any of your current VA benefits. If you already have a supplemental health plans like dental, you can keep it if you’d like or drop it to save more. It’s up to you!

What happens to my Medicare?

Medicare will pay insurance companies to manage your Medicare benefits. When you enroll into a Medicare Advantage plan, that plan will become your primary insurance plan. These plans are approved to do so by each state’s health insurance commissioner, who is appointed by the governor.

What happens to my Tricare for Life?

Tricare will continue to be your secondary coverage. It coordinates benefits with the Medicare Advantage plans like it does with Medicare. Tricare for Life is a wonderful benefit for those who have served our country for more than 20 years. We applaud your service to our country!

Is my spouse eligible for these benefits as well?

Yes, if your spouse has Medicare Part A, Part B, and Tricare for Life, they are also eligible for these same specialized plans. Spouses with Tricare for Life often do not have VA access. In this case, additional benefits similar to the VA can also be accessed by your spouse. Even if your spouse does not have Tricare for Life, we can still counsel on a plan that’s right for their needs.

Will I lose any benefits?

No. Medicare Advantage plans have to cover everything that Medicare covers. You will not experience a loss in coverage. The reason most elect to have a healthcare company service their Medicare over the government are for the extra benefits and savings found with these plans. Health insurance carriers want to incentivize you to select their plan by giving you more health benefits than you are getting with original medicare.

Can I keep my doctor?

Yes you can! It is important to work with one of our trained advisors to make sure you select the right plan. Some plans can limit your doctor choices, where others will give you the same open access you enjoy today. Therefore, it is important to speak with an independent Medicare Advantage broker who represents all the plans. This way you can find the plan that’s best for you across all health plan carriers, instead of just one company’s plans.

This sounds too good to be true, what's the catch?

Sincerely, there is no catch. Insurance companies can manage your Medicare dollars better than the government can, and they pass those savings onto you in the form of better benefits. Let us walk you through the process, so you can better understand how Medicare Advantage plans can be useful in navigating the healthcare landscape for those over 65, or on disability.

Contact Info

(202) 552-1418

1225 Blakeway St, Daniel Island, SC 29492

Uncle Sam’s Healthcare’s website is operated by Uncle Sam’s Healthcare LLC, a licensed health insurance agency. The purpose of this site is the solicitation of insurance. Contact may be made by an insurance broker/producer or insurance company. Uncle Sam’s Healthcare and Medicare supplement insurance plans are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program. We offer plans from a number of reputable insurance companies, found on MULTIPLAN_unclesam_0828_M

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